Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Day 3: Another Day Going Nowhere

So, I spent another evening of vigorous exercise without moving an inch. I often wonder if someone from 200 years ago was vaulted into the future, if planned 'exercise' and gyms wouldn't be the strangest part of modren life for our friends from the past. I mean, think about their lives of hard work in the fields, hunting/gathering food, etc. How silly is it that we set aside time to 'exercise', and even more crazy that we do it on contraptions that serve no practical purpose other than to increase the rate at which our heart pumps... strange isn't it?

Total Pledged/minute: $0.01/minute + $1 per pound lost (Thanks Chuck!)

Today's Minutes: 43 Minutes
Total Minutes: 88 Minutes
Today's Distance: 11.6 Miles
Total Distance: 23.8 Miles


At 3:25 PM, Blogger Charz said...

So, since I pledged minutes *AND* pounds, that means you have to post pounds, too. I want this to be on the up and up! :)


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